Fidelma O ‘Neill

This body of work explores the often subtle fragments and traces embedded in the
landscape which resonate with lives gone past. Hints of previous inhabitants or human
intervention on the land are evoked by shifts in scale and texture in the work and seek to
convey a sense of “trying to find one’s bearings”.
Remains of tracks, fossils, ancient field systems, and detritus can be seen as maps that
speak of transit. Imbued with the spirit of their journeys, these traces are powerful
reminders of dreams of migration which are a familiar theme to many peoples…relics that
speak of the persistence of life.
The artist uses cold wax/oil/pigment and sand to reflect textures and marks in the
landscape. Discarded remnants of plastic, tools and other fragments are a part of the
essential process and are used as stencils or for printing… they can become embedded in
the work and become today’s fossils for tomorrow.
“Every form retains life” from The Poetics of Space – Gaston Bachelard.

Fidelma has exhibited widely in Ireland and internationally including a solo show at Roccafiore, Todi,
Italy ,group shows at EV+A, RHA Summer Shows and , AIR Gallery, New York.
The artist participates regularly in workshops and masterclasses including the Ballinglen
Arts Foundation, the RHA and The Burren Art College.

Fidelma has exhibited widely in Ireland and internationally including a solo show at Roccafiore, Todi, Italy ,group shows at EV+A, RHA Summer Shows and , AIR Gallery, New York. The artist participates regularly in workshops and masterclasses including the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, the RHA and The Burren Art College. Enquire View Artworks