Lynne Stratton

Lynne Stratton Sculpture is an independent wildlife ceramic artist located on the rugged south west coast of Ireland. Inspired by a love for the countryside and an appreciation of all things wild, Lynne Stratton began sculpting small earthenware animals in 2003. Since then her work has gone from strength to strength and she has become an accomplished artist using crank clay to hand sculpt a diverse variety of wild creature forms. She is constantly trying new methods and ideas to improve and enhance her work.

Lynne’s pieces resonate with the natural world capturing the character and individuality of the creatures they reflect. Her expansive range of work has been sold across Europe and has featured in several private exhibitions in Ireland.

“I live in Southern Ireland with my two Labradors and two Whippets. I grew up in UK and always had a great love for outdoor life and the countryside. From a young age I had horses and dogs and spent a lot of time on my grandfathers dairy farm in Sussex; in fact my first job as a teenager was working on a farm in Hampshire helping with the harvest.

At school traditional topics were not my strong point, instead I chose to focus on art given that it was the only topic I ever truly enjoyed and understood. My first encounter with clay actually involved taking my horse to school and casting its foot in the classroom. However, It wasn’t until much later in life that I rediscovered my artistic interests when I attended a night class in ceramics at FarnboroughCollege. Working with clay again really piqued my creative curiosity because working with this medium can be a real journey; any mistakes one makes can actually be adapted or remolded into a truly unique and successful piece.

I moved to Ireland with my daughter in 2002 to be closer to family friends and to enjoy the beautiful and inspiring landscape and seascapes that the south west has to offer. Shortly afterwards I began sculpting in earnest taking my inspiration from the wildlife I grew up amongst, including horses, hares and dogs. Over time I took on a more diverse range of work focusing on the local sea birds of the rugged coast on my doorstep.

Alongside my sculpture I also run a successful dog training and dog grooming business which brings many characterful muses my way and which also allows me to use my hands on real live animals. I also successfully shown my whippets and have placed at Crufts 3 times in the last 4 years.

I spend a lot of time with my daughter who now runs a sheep farm with her husband  and I often return to the UK to visit my son who has made a successful career for himself in oceanography and coastal engineering.

I am a vibrant and outgoing hands on person with a real love of wildlife. I particularly enjoy creating ceramic pieces with a slightly macabre flair and enjoy exploring the darker side of nature in my work.”

Lynne's ceramic wildlife resonate with the natural world capturing the character and individuality of the creatures they reflect.  Enquire View Artworks